The Virginia Beach Sheriff’s Office (VBSO) routinely receives perfect scores on its major audits and inspections. These evaluations are conducted by independent auditors and inspectors from state and federal agencies, who critique nearly every aspect of operations. The perfect results underscore the culture of excellence that pervades every aspect of the Virginia Beach Sheriff’s Office. They are also a direct result of the daily hard work of the deputies and civilians who serve the office and the citizens of Virginia Beach and ensure the VBSO is always inspection-ready.

VLEPSC Accreditation

The Sheriff’s Office is a state accredited agency with the Virginia Law Enforcement Professional Standards Commission (VLEPSC). Accreditation is a four-year certification and is an ongoing process whereby policies and procedures are evaluated against established criteria, otherwise known as standards.

During the re-certification process, the Sheriff’s Office is reassessed for compliance with the VLEPSC Program Manual Standards. Compliance is verified by an independent and authoritative body through on-site staff interviews, observation and an in-depth review of agency files. The file review involves 190 standards divided into four general subject areas: Administration, Operations, Personnel and Training. Each file contained four years of documentation with a cumulative total of approximately 3,000 pieces of compliance documentation.

The on-site assessment team conducts its assessment and presents its findings to the VLEPSC Commission, which votes on the official Award of Accreditation.

The Virginia Beach Sheriff's Office has been fully reaccredited five times, receiving its most recent award in December 2021.

PREA Accreditation

The Sheriff’s Office has been fully compliant with the federal Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) since 2016. A U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) certified auditor conducted the VBSO's first audit on Aug. 2-4, 2017, for continued compliance with the federal Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Adult Prison and Jail Standards.

The PREA Audit consisted of, at a minimum, a sampling of relevant documents and other records and information for the most recent one-year period. The audit also included a review of all relevant agency-wide policies, procedures, reports, internal and external audits, and accreditations. In addition, the auditor observed all areas of the facility and conducted interviews with deputy and civilian staff members throughout the rank and file, contractors, volunteers, and a representative sampling of inmates.

The Sheriff’s Office earned a 100% compliance rating and was certified as a compliant agency for the program’s second audit cycle. PREA is a three-year certification. The VBSO also completed successful PREA audits for all subsequent audit cycles. Its next PREA audit is scheduled for completion between August 2022-August 2025.

Click here for more information about the VBSO’s compliance with the Prison Rape Elimination Act .

NCCHC Accreditation

The Virginia Beach Sheriff's Office is also fully accredited by the National Commission on Correctional Health Care, having completed its most recent review in October 2019 and receiving re-accreditation in July 2020. The VBSO received a 100% compliance score on the NCCHC's 39 essential standards and a 98% compliance score on its 20 important standards.

Additional Audit, Inspection & Accreditation Scores:

  • 100% score - Department of Corrections 3-year audit (160 standards) – 2013, 2016 and 2019
  • 100% score - Virginia Department of Corrections Life, Health and Safety inspection (41 standards) - 2014, 2015 and 2017
  • 100% compliance - Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) audit (43 standards) - 2016, 2017 and 2020
  • 100% compliance - U.S. Marshals Service facility inspection - 2016 and 2017
  • Virginia Values Veterans (V3) certified - March 2016-present
  • Fully accredited by the Virginia Law Enforcement Accreditation Coalition - 2005-present
  • 100% compliance - Virginia Law Enforcement Professional Standards Commission Accreditation four-year re-accreditation assessment (190 standards and 747 proofs of compliance) - October 2013 and October 2017
  • 100% compliance score - Department of Criminal Justice Services Training Academy re-certification – 2015 and 2018
  • Fully accredited by the National Commission on Correctional Health Care - July 2020 (100% compliance with 39 essential standards and 98% compliance with 20 important standards)
  • 100% score - Local Inmate Data Systems (LIDS) annual audit - 2015-2020

Accreditation is a function of the VBSO's Professional Standards Office. Questions and concerns may be directed to .