VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. – For the first time, deputies from the Virginia Beach Sheriff’s Office are attending the Virginia Beach Police Department Academy, undergoing 24 weeks of joint law enforcement training.
This is the first time that members of the VBSO have attended the VBPD Academy, part of the departments’ ongoing partnership and commitment to strengthening the Virginia Beach public safety team. Two deputies will attend the academy alongside 31 VBPD police recruits, starting today and graduating on June 21.
The VBSO Basic Academy is 17 weeks long and provides deputies with their Basic Jailer, Civil Process and Court Security certifications from the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS). Deputies are responsible for operating the Virginia Beach Correctional Center, providing Virginia Beach Courthouse security and serving Civil Process paperwork. They also serve as force multipliers for the VBPD, especially during holidays and special events, such as music festivals.
The VBPD Academy is 24 weeks long and provides the DCJS Law Enforcement certification. The curriculum exceeds DCJS training mandates. The VBPD is the primary law enforcement agency in Virginia Beach and is responsible for traffic enforcement, criminal investigations and responding to calls for service.
“Our deputies are extremely well-trained, but their job is fundamentally different from that of a VBPD officer. Completing the VBPD Academy will give them additional skills for working the street alongside our brothers and sisters at the VBPD and strengthen our partnership as a law enforcement team,” said Sheriff Rocky Holcomb. “Training is a cornerstone of the Virginia Beach Sheriff’s Office and part of our organizational values: transparency, respect, unity, service and training (TRUST). Training is the most important tool in a law enforcement officer's tool belt, and our citizens are best served by a well-trained, unified law enforcement team. Joint training helps accomplish that mission.”
The two deputies starting the VBPD Academy today are Deputy Willis Tomblin and Deputy Nelson Alvarez. Both joined the VBSO in 2022. Tomblin works in Civil Process and Alvarez works in Correctional Operations.
"I'm so pleased to have VBSO attend our academy and I look forward to finding additional ways to foster collaboration between our agencies in the future," said Police Chief Paul Neudigate. "The addition of these two deputies in this recruit class is a testament to the strength of the relationship between our agencies. This cooperation is paramount in maintaining public safety in our great city."
“We are grateful to the Virginia Beach Police Department and Chief Paul Neudigate for giving us this opportunity,” said Holcomb. “Good luck, deputies and recruits! I know you will make us proud.”
To apply to become a Virginia Beach deputy sheriff, visit vbso.net/sworn-positions . To apply to become a Virginia Beach police officer, visit police.virginiabeach.gov/careers .
VBSO Media Contact: Email pio@vbso.net or contact Public Information Officer Toni Guagenti at (757) 385-6961 or Strategic Communications Consultant Kathy Hieatt at (757) 570-9123.
VBPD Media Contact: Email VBPDPublicAffairs@vbgov.com or call (757) 385-4097.
Photo: Virginia Beach Sheriff's Office Deputy Willis Tomblin (left) and Deputy Nelson Alvarez (right). (Credit: VBSO PIO Toni Guagenti)