VBSO training academy staff

The Virginia Beach Sheriff's Office (VBSO) is proud to announce that its Training Academy has earned its Law Enforcement certification from the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS).

The new credential adds to the academy’s existing certifications—Basic Jailer, Court Security, and Civil Process—and increases the level of training the academy can provide to its deputy sheriffs. VBSO deputies are already sworn law enforcement officers with law enforcement powers. “We can now teach the full law enforcement curriculum, expanding our deputy sheriffs’ level of training and expertise,” said Sheriff Rocky Holcomb. “As sheriff, I have made it a priority to provide top-notch training to our deputies, including adding new law enforcement skills to our toolbox, which already includes jail security, court security and civil process.”

For two days last week, six auditors with the Virginia DCJS reviewed 1,751 objectives with the VBSO’s Training staff led by Capt. Nick Curtis at the Law Enforcement Training Academy off Birdneck Road. Training staff had to demonstrate the ability to teach each objective, which spans the full array of law enforcement responsibilities, including drunken driving enforcement, patrol techniques and investigating property crimes, homicides and more.

The next phase will be to put together a VBSO Option 6 Academy, which is currently offered by the Virginia Beach Police Department (VBPD) to certified jailers and sheriffs’ deputies. The VBPD graduated three VBSO deputies from its Option 6 Academy earlier this month.

All VBSO deputies complete the 17-week Basic Academy and receive their Basic Jailer, Court Security, and Civil Process certifications. Those who complete the Option 6 Academy will receive an additional eight to 12 weeks of training and their Law Enforcement certification, ensuring they are “street certified” to work alongside the VBPD.

“The Option 6 Academy will allow the VBSO to provide the necessary law enforcement training for our deputies to work side-by-side with our VBPD partners. Our Training Academy staff are second to none, and this certification is just another example of their continued excellence,” Holcomb said. “We are all about T.R.U.S.T.: transparency, respect, unity, service and training.”

The VBSO Basic Academy’s Law Enforcement certification is initially good for one year, with recertification after the first year lasting three years.

Media interested in covering this story should contact Public Information Officer Toni Guagenti at tguagenti@vbso.net , 757-385-8446 or 757-373-5012 .